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Press Releases

The Foster Family-based Treatment Association Endorses®

December 7, 2009

Eugene, OR — The Foster Family-based Treatment Association has chosen to exclusively endorse for online resource parent training. (FPC) strengthens agency efforts to support and retain foster parents by providing quick and easy access - via online training - to expert help on specific parenting and behavioral challenges.

Each online training course is interactive and progressive to engage parents and enhance learning. The self-driven training is available at the parents' convenience, wherever internet access is available. The current lineup includes 27 titles, among them Culturally Competent Parenting, Self-Harm, Sexualized Behavior, R.A.D., Child Safety and Supervision, Eating Disorders and Fire Setting. is the only online resource parent training site to be rated by the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare and is endorsed by the Canadian Foster Family Association and approved by CASA and the National Adoption Center.

The mission of the Foster Family-based Treatment Association (FFTA) is to strengthen agencies that support families caring for vulnerable children. FFTA achieves this by promoting program standards for treatment foster care; encouraging and supporting research and evaluation in the field; providing technical assistance; and advocating for public policy that achieves positive outcomes for children and youth in treatment foster care.

In honor of this new agreement, FFTA member agencies are eligible to receive a 10% discount on the purchase of FPC training units. To receive the discount members may call FPC at 1-800-777-6636 and ask to set up an FFTA member agency account. The discount is not available to self-registered individual users; individual users who provide treatment foster care should contact their agency about training with FPC. is a division of Northwest Media, Inc. of Eugene, Oregon. Northwest Media also produces, an online store with over 1,300 products for the social services field.

For more information about FPC, visit or call (800)-777-6636.

For more information about FFTA, visit or call (800) 414-3382.