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Anger Pie Helps Parents Understand and Cope with Angry Children

February 9, 2009

Eugene, OR — Parents expect temper tantrums from 2-year-olds, but angry outbursts don't necessarily stop after the toddler years. Children become angry in a variety of situations, and feeling angry is a part of life that no one can avoid.

Dealing with an angry child is doubtless among parenthood's least favorite experiences, yet all parents go through it. In this new (FPC) class, Dr. Richard Delaney, PhD. discusses the ABCs of behavior in relation to anger outbursts in 5- to- 10-year-olds.

Understanding the Antecedents, Bias/Behaviors and Consequences of children's challenging behaviors can help parents anticipate, successfully handle, and help change angry outbursts. Also discussed are the impacts of child maltreatment on behavior, warning signs of anger outbursts, positive and negative consequences of behavior, healthy anger, and when to seek professional help.

At the end of the course, parents will be able to:

  • identify the ABCs of anger outbursts
  • identify antecedents and consequences of anger outbursts
  • understand how past experience influences bias
  • describe how bias influences behaviors
  • give examples of positive and negative consequences
  • describe healthy anger.

Completing Anger Pie yields two training hours and costs $8. It is available online on and on DVD on

Dr. Delaney is an internationally acclaimed clinical psychologist who works with foster, adoptive, and kinship care parents and with agencies that serve troubled children and teens. He is author of "Raising Cain," "Troubled Teens," "Safe Transplants," and "Safe Passage," which are sold on Dr. Delaney has been on the faculty of since its inception in 2005. is a division of Northwest Media, Inc. of Eugene, Oregon. Northwest Media also produces, an online store with over 1,300 products for the social services field.

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